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Ice Hockey Helmets

If you need a good hockey helmet, we have the solution for you right here! Ice hockey is one of the few sports where protection and smart design actually go hand in hand. With our helmets you are both safe and smart on the ice. We have a wide selection of hockey helmets in different models and variants, so you can freely choose according to your taste and needs. The different variants are selected from recognized brands, where we can vouch 100% for the quality of their products. These are therefore hard-wearing helmets that keep the head comfortable and well protected during training and matches.

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Ice hockey helmets that provide optimal protection

A hockey helmet is one of the most important pieces of protective equipment. It protects the head against concussions, impacts and other injuries that are almost unavoidable in a fast contact sport like ice hockey. It is therefore important that you, as an ice hockey player, invest in a proper ice hockey helmet that fits well on the head and is also comfortable to wear, and finally, it must also be breathable and sweat absorbent.

We carry a wide selection of hockey helmets from recognized brands such as Bauer, Warrior and CCM in high and solid quality, as well as accessories for the ice hockey helmet.

Quality hockey helmets that can withstand a bit of everything

All our ice hockey helmets are made of hard-wearing and durable plastic materials that can withstand both blows, shocks and scratches, which are a natural part of the sport of ice hockey. We have chosen well-known brands that are known for producing high-quality ice hockey clothing and accessories with a focus on protection, functionality and, of course, great design.

With our large selection of hockey helmets, you can confidently give it gas on the field without having to worry about whether the safety is in order. We have taken care of that on your behalf.

If you need help or have questions, we will be happy to guide you to the right purchase. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us.