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Mouth Guards
When practicing hard contact sports, protective equipment is important. An important, but often overlooked, piece of protective equipment is the mouth guard. You only have the teeth you have, so remember to take good care of them! Fortunately, you can do that with a mouth guard - a tooth protector. ReXhockey has a good selection of ice hockey equipment. Take a look at the page and find just what you need.
Buy a mouth guard - for both adults and children
Both children and adults need to take care of their teeth when practicing hard contact sports. At ReXhockey you can find the best tooth protectors. You can find them in many different colors, and common to them is that they are moldable, so you can get a custom mouht guard that fits exactly to your teeth.
Our mouth guards work by being a hard but flexible layer of acrylic or rubber, which is held in place around your teeth. That way, the best tooth protector protects your teeth and jaw from bumps and blows to teeth and face. Therefore, tooth protection for children is an almost indispensable piece of equipment, which significantly reduces the risk of tooth damage.
You can get mouth guards that only cover the teeth in the upper mouth, and you can get some that cover both the upper and lower mouth. If your mouth guard covers both the upper and lower mouth, it naturally provides greater protection for the teeth in the lower mouth - on the other hand, you may have more difficulty speaking and drinking, and even more difficulty breathing. With a tooth protector for the upper mouth, it is easier for you to drink and talk, and your breathing is not bothered by it.
We have both tooth protectors for children and tooth protectors for adults, so you can take care of the teeth you have. It does not pay to leave.
How to get a good fitting mouth guard
Most mouth guards today are available in a material that can be molded to your teeth and mouth. This means that when you use a custom tooth protector, it fits snugly on your teeth and you can almost imagine that it is not there. The best mouth guards actually works quite naturally when you have it in your mouth. With a little practice and habituation, you can both drink and talk to it in your mouth.
With a custom tooth protector, you can protect your teeth no matter what your tooth position is. There is even room for a hanger. And when the bracket needs to be adjusted so that the tooth protector may no longer fit, you can just adjust it again so that it fits as it should.
To customize your mouht guard, be sure to follow the instructions that come with it. In short, it means that you have to boil some water, and then you have to put your tooth protector into the water. Once it has been lying there for a while, pick it up and put it in your mouth over the teeth in your upper mouth. Then you have to bite hard into it while the material hardens. This way you get a tooth protector that fits your teeth perfectly. And the cool thing about it is that if something goes wrong, you just repeat the procedure and adjust your tooth protector again.
Tooth protectors for different sports
The first mouth guards were made for boxers in its time, but since then it has dawned on many athletes that tooth protectors are good to use in many different sports. Especially contact sports, where you inevitably risk coming into contact with, for example, hands, feet, pucks and gangs and other hard objects.
That is why a tooth protector for children and adults today is a necessity in many sports. And rightly so. It pays better to spend the money on a tooth protector than on new teeth.