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Base Layer

Regardless of whether it is on- or off-ice, we have the equipment here at ReXhockey.

Base layer in decent quality. The sweat underwear has two functions, it directs the sweat away from the body, which greatly increases your comfort during training and at the same time prevents you from getting cold due to the cold sweat in the clothes. At the same time, sweat underwear helps to keep the body warm if the surroundings are cold, which helps to prevent potential injuries.

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Base layer for optimal comfort

Ideal for sports where you are either active over a longer period such as cycling, or sports where you are in for short periods such as ice hockey and floorball.

The right sweat underwear can definitely increase your comfort during exercise, and it doesn't matter if you're just starting out or a seasoned exercise enthusiast. See possibly also an overview of our selection of crotch protectors or ice hockey gloves.